downloads & white papers

Need to create a compelling and impactful business case to secure investment for your business cloud operations?

Download the infographic to discover ‘How to build a robust Cloud business case’


As with any business transformation, you need to have a clear picture of where you want to get to (Cloud Vision), your roadmap and plans of how to get there (Cloud Strategy), and a compelling value proposition that balances the benefits, costs, and risks (Cloud Business Case). This ebook brings together the essentials of how to ensure a successful Cloud migration.

eBook – Three steps to successful cloud migration – Your Journey to the Cloud


Ensure your digital transformation runs smoothly by discovering insights from over 20 UK senior business leaders.

This ebook includes best practice advice on cloud business applications.

eBook – Cloud Business Applications Best Practice


Infographic – The path to avoiding digital transformation failure


Infographic – Making the most of technology






white paper – technology in retail







white paper – manufacturing & industry 4.0

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