Business improvement should be at the heart of every organisation’s digital journey and technology-enabled change strategy; there is no point merely implementing a faithful recreation of today’s processes, systems and performance.
On the flip-side, not all process improvements dictate the need for new underlying technology or applications. Often significant improvements can be made just by reviewing or augmenting today’s processes.
Using a combination of business understanding, functional knowledge, process excellence approaches and deep expertise in enterprise solutions, Searchlight consultants help their clients to identify the opportunities for process improvement, optimisation and automation.
Our business process improvement approach uses traditional and tools-based approaches to speed up process discovery and analysis; identify options for improvement and define potential solutions, so that clients make decisions that deliver greatest value from investments in any or all of these key areas:
- End-to-end process and data integration
- Process automation (inc. robotic process automation RPA)
- Process compliance and control
- Process simplification and optimisation
- Information accessibility, analytics and business intelligence (BI)
We can help identify improvements in across all business processes and functions, including Finance, Supply Chain Management, Buying & Merchandising, Direct & Indirect Procurement, Workforce Scheduling & Management, Contract Management, Sales Order Management & Billing/invoicing
Business Process Improvement, Optimisation and Automation