
Great British Scaleups: The Fifth Dimension
We're delighted to have been named as one of the eight fast-growing UK tech SMEs! Attending an event in London earlier in November, Searchlight was recognised as a fast-growing company in the technology sector with great potential for scaleup growth.

Get ahead of your competitors by following our 5 key steps.
Here are your 5 steps to make the most out of technology. The manufacturing industry has increasing pressure to compete in this volatile market and economic environment. How can you ensure you are investing in the right business applications to enable growth?

Thrive through constant change: how to apply agility to your business application strategy
The manufacturing industry has increasing pressure to compete in this volatile market and economic environment. We are operating in an era in which many of the accepted political norms have been turned on their heads and the pace with which technology is progressing means most of us are still catching up with what we can do today, let alone thinking about the possibilities that tomorrow may bring.

The 4th industrial revolution: it’s time to focus on the end-consumer
Today’s end-consumer requirements are changing so rapidly that the B2B model operated by many manufacturers is becoming outmoded. New technology is having such a dramatic impact on the way people live that companies are increasingly being urged to think of the end consumer first and foremost.